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Plant for  to gather  Brand: ARCT/MECATEX YEAR 1992 Cod.: SINT 3
Plant for to gather Brand: ARCT/MECATEX YEAR 1992
Plant for to gather Brand: ARCT/MECATEX YEAR 1992 Register n° 1469 complet of creel 15 positiondiameter mm.1000 Dimensions machine Length mt. 19,80 Width mt. 6,60 devo liberare il mio magazzino, ve la offro a 0,40 al kg
Price: 0,40
(al kg)
Discount: 0,00
Reduced price: 0,40
Brand: ARCT year 1975 H. 2200 Cod.: SINT. 4
Brand: ARCT year 1975 H. 2200
Plant for to glue poliester viscos and varius Brand: ARCT year 1975 H. 2200 complet of creel 15 position diameter 1000. devo liberare il mio magazzino, ve la offro 0,40 kg
Price: 0,40
(al kg)
Discount: 0,00
Reduced price: 0,40
Plant for  to glue polyester Tsudakoma Type KSH500 Cod.: SINT.2
Plant for to glue polyester Tsudakoma Type KSH500
Plant for to glue polyester Brand: Tsudakoma Type KSH500 register. 517 Year 1989 DIMENSIONS MACHINETSUDAKOMA Length mt. 22,80 width mt. 4,20 devo liberare il mio magazzino, ve la offro 0,40 kg
Price: 0,40
(al kg)
Discount: 0,00
Reduced price: 0,40

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